St. Andrews Library TeenSpot
Young Adult Calendar of Events
All programs are ages 12-17
St. Andrews TeenSpot Guess That Sign
All Month Long.
Guess the phase on the sign and win a sweet treat.
Early Release Game Day @ Your Library Event
Thursday, November 1 @ 1pm
Get ready for International Game Day by getting your feet wet with some old classic board games. Snacks will be served.
International Gaming Day 2012 @ Your Library
Saturday, November 3 at 1pm
It’s your turn! PS2, board games and card games will be on hand, or bring your own favorite. You name it; we’ll play it! Snacks will be served.
St. Andrews Library TeenSpot Ambassador’s Board and Amine Club Meeting
Wednesday, November 7 at 4pm
Wednesday, November 7 at 4pm
Help plan fun and interesting programs for you and your friends at St. Andrews Regional Library also chat about any anime novel. Refreshments will be provided
St. Andrews Library TeenSpot Candy Bar CSI
Wednesday, November 14 at 4pm
Are you able to your senses to figure out which candy bar is which?
Wednesday, November 28 at 4pm
Make a creative craft and then take it to show your friends.
Make a creative craft and then take it to show your friends.
All activities are geared to those that are at least
12 years of age. All activities are free and open to the public. If you have any questions about any of our events please feel free to call
Patrice Smith at 843-766-2546.
St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 North Woodmere Drive
(Behind Village Square Shopping Center)
Charleston, SC 29407