Thursday, September 17, 2015

Children's Programming

Children's Programming

Afterschool Cool: Passport to Lebanon (ages 4-11)
Tuesday, October 6at 4 p.m.
Explore the Middle Eastern country of Lebanon by learning about the geography, customs and food.

Afterschool Cool: Green Thumbs (ages 4-11)
Tuesday, October 20 at 4 p.m.

Learn about nature and make something cool with the Tri-County Clemson Master Gardeners. 

P.L.A.Y: STAR Therapy Dogs (ages 11 and younger). 
Saturday, October 24 at 11 a.m.
Make a furry friend, and read a book with your new pal. Certified therapy dogs and their handlers love a good story.

Halloween Family Storytimes
Saturday, October 31at 11 a.m.
Celebrate with not-so scary Halloween stories and a craft. Costumes encouraged!

Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library Storytimes

Time for Twos (ages 24- 36 months with adult)
Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 10:30 a.m.

Preschool (ages 3- 5 years with adult)
Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 11:30 a.m.

Babygarten (0-18 months with adult) Registration required.
Wednesday, October 7, 14, 21, and 18 at 10:30 a.m.

If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events, feel free to contact the 
Children's Department at 843-766-2546.

Hurd/ St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston, SC 29407 843-766-2546

Branch Blog:
Like us on Facebook at St. Andrews Regional Lib
  Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6,  Sun CLOSED

Adult Programming

Adult Programming

Lowcountry Creative Writing Group
Saturday, October 3 at 1 p.m.
Join a group of local writers for a chance to write, critique and network.

Gullah Quilts
Saturday, October 10 at 1 p.m.
Join Dorothy Montgomery for a presentation on Gullah quilts and quilting techniques.  She will present slides of her quilts.

The Basic Science of Paranormal Research
Thursday, October 15 at 6 p.m.
A look at the physics behind paranormal research, including how sound and light work relative to detecting apparitions, presented by ghost hunter Kyl Cobb. There will also be a discussion about the scientific theories and research behind the use of EMF detectors, infrared cameras and digital recorders.

Black and White Theater: Strangers on a Train 
October 16  at 11 a.m.
Rated PG; 101 minutes.

Adult Healthcare Services
Friday, October 23 at 1 p.m.
A presentation on health, diet, and healthcare services for adults will be provided by a senior care advisor from Care for Life Charleston.

Book Signing with author Eric Fiatti: Engaging the Hand of God
Saturday, October 24at 2 p.m.
Bishop Fiatti will discuss his new book and sign copies.  A portion of the proceeds to benefit the Friends of the Library.

Thursday, October 29 at 6 p.m.
Ghost hunter Kyl Cobb will wrap up his series on paranormal phenomena with a historical look at ghosts and ghost sightings.

If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events, feel free to contact the
Reference Department at 843-766-2546.

 Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston, SC 29407 843-766-2546

Branch Blog:
Like us on Facebook at St. Andrews Regional Lib
Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6,  Sun CLOSED

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Young Adult Programming

Young Adult Programming

All month long
Go Batty for Books
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library
Tell us about a book you went batty for and receive a sweet treat.

Monday, October 5
TeenSpot Theater Presents Maggie
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 4:30 p.m.
Rated PG-13; 95 minutes. Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, October 7
TeenSpot TAB (Teen Advisory Board) Meeting
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 4:30 p.m. (ages 12-17)
Do you want to have a say in what your library offers to you and other teens in the community? Join one of our teen library advisory boards and make your library work for you!

Monday, October 12
TeenSpot Theater Presents Jessabelle
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 4:30 p.m.
Rated PG-13; 90 minutes. Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, October 14
TeenSpot Wired Wednesday
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 4:30 p.m. (ages 12-17)
Play computer games, Wii games, board games, or just chat with friends in our open technology lab for tweens and teens

Monday, October 19
TeenSpot Theater Presents Halo: Nightfall
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 4:30 p.m.
Rated PG; 30 minutes.  Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, October 21
TeenSpot Early Release Halloween Teen Party
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 2 p.m. (ages 12-17)
Join us for food, games, and a scary good time.

Monday, October 26
TeenSpot Theater Presents Devil’s Hand
Hurd/St. Andrews Regional Library at 4:30 p.m.
Rated PG-13; 86 minutes.  Refreshments will be served

If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events, 
feel free to contact the
Young Adult Department at 843-766-2546.

Cynthia Graham Hurd/St Andrews Regional Library
1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston, SC 29407 843-766-2546
Branch Blog:
Like us on Facebook at St. Andrews Regional Lib
Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6,  Sun CLOSED

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Adult Book Review: Let Joy Arise by Ashea Goldson


Ashea Goldson
Published: 1st edition (June 26, 2012)
Kensington Urban Christian;
ISBN13- 978-1601627278
Rating: 5 stars

Never let anything in your past affect what God has for your future.

Taylor Carter has not always been a Christian all her life. Before Taylor found God she was in a very serious car accident that killed the married man that she was involved with and also took away her ability to walk. After all that was said and done with this life altering event, Taylor still was able to see her way through.

Fast forward to the present; Taylor is now the owner of Push It Fitness center and married to Keith Bryant. Of course like many say, you cannot be a child of God and not have trials. The wife of the man that was killed in the accident that she was involved in is back to get Taylor. She has a serious case of a woman scorned syndrome. Added to the chaos, Taylor has to deal with the house guest from hell named Paul who is the good friend of Keith, and may hold the key to a painful past that he has hidden from his wife.

Will Taylor and Keith’s marriage survive all trials and tribulations? Will Taylor continue to support her husband once his secret past comes to light?

For a reviewer that is not a fan of Christian fiction I will say that I thoroughly enjoy this book. It was just enough religion to know that is Christian fiction but enough that it is not thrown in the reader’s face. The characters in this novel are those that the reader can relate to, from the wild roommate to the holy sister-in-law. For this to be a debut novel she knocks this one out the ballpark. Yes, I do see the best is yet to come.

Rating 5 stars.

Reviewed by Patrice Smith

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Censorship Comes to Charleston

Originally written on July 29, 2015 by CCPLTEENUNDERGROUND

Earlier this week, one of our local high schools pulled a book from its summer reading list after a parent complained about its content. (Read the Post and Courier article about the book’s removal here.) The book? Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers. The school, West Ashley High School. We want to let all West Ashley High School students (and anyone else who would like to read the banned book) know that the Charleston County Public Library carries multiple copies within its Young Adult collection. Not only do we carry it, we encourage everyone to read the award-winning and necessary novel.
Rising ninth graders enrolled in Honors English I had to pick between two books, Summers’ or Paul Volponi’s Rikers High, and have the book of their choosing read before the first day of school. Rikers High follows a boy awaiting trial in New York; Summers’ book chronicles Regina Afton’s fall from popularity after she is nearly raped by her best friend’s boyfriend. Regina is then threatened, ostracized, bullied, and physically harmed by her former friends — as are the few people who have stuck by her side.
Well, that content was deemed inappropriate by a mother of an incoming freshman. And that is her right. She can want her daughter to read the other book on the list. She can express her dissatisfaction with the selection of the book. She can write editorials until the cows come home about it. But that’s where it should end. One mother should not be able to dictate what appropriate reading material for a whole classroom is. However, that is exactly what has happened at West Ashley High School.
To respond to the parent’s grievance, Principal Lee Runyon added A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to the list of options, hoping to offer a milder choice in terms of content. But even that wasn’t enough. Now the book has been pulled off the list completely, robbing other students of the chance to read a book that examines some very real struggles teenagers face growing up. (Note: Some Girls Are has been replaced by Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak, which also examines rape culture in high school.)
Yes, there is drinking in Some Girls Are. And drugs. And sex. And foul language. But you know what, there is drinking, drugs, sex, and foul language in high school, in life. Not everyone participates in it, but it is there and it is real. You know what else is in high school? Mean girls and boys, bullies. These are just some of the battles — all of which are addressed in Summers’ book— that today’s teenagers face while trying to navigate their high school careers and start finding out who they are. These students need to have ways to relate to what they are dealing with, whether that’s through peers or elders, books or movies. They need outlets to understand what is happening, to discuss what bothers them, upsets them, confuses them. And one of those outlets has just been stripped away from them because of one person.
Make no mistake, this is a form of censorship. The school was not advocating for students to participate in any of the “questionable” deeds from the book; these actions — drinking, using drugs, sex — were not being condoned. The book was selected because of its relatability; it was an opportunity to provide a jumping off point for some very real and frank discussions. It’s a book that, since its publication, has been used to help reluctant readers learn that not all reading is boring or hard or unrelatable. It’s a book that, sadly, reads more like a true account of the high school experience for far too many people. The book’s subject matter is difficult, but that’s what makes the book such a necessity.
Courtney Summers knows that Some Girls Are was pulled from the reading list, and she wrote a response on her Facebook page as well as her tumblr page. Being the brilliant author that she is, Summers perfectly and eloquently addresses what happens when we censor reading material from teens: “We don’t protect teen readers by denying the realities many of them are faced with. Often, in doing so, we deny them a lifeline.”
Let’s not deny any more lifelines for teenagers, they need as many as we can offer.
Free copies of SOME GIRLS ARE now available at the Hurd/St.Andrews branch, in addition to the Main Library Teen Lounge.

Click for local media coverage:
WCIV Channel 4
WCSC Channel 5
Post and Courier
Hurd/ St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston, SC 29407 843-766-2546
Branch Blog:
Like us on Facebook at St. Andrews Regional Lib
Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6,  Sun CLOSED

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Charleston County Public Library is encouraging county residents to sign up for a free card - adding it to every child's school supply list and to every adult's wallet or key ring.

This nationwide campaign is held each
September to promote signing up in conjunction with the start of school. Studies have shown that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to use the library as a source of lifelong learning.

In an effort to reach students as they transition from one school or grade to another, Library staff visit schools with a special focus on students in kindergarten and sixth grade. In 2014, there were 256,481 library cardholders, library staff registered 791 students and 3,857 items were checked out by those students during the year.  

In Charleston County, students can get help through the Library's Ask-A-Question reference service where they can get help from a Reference Librarian by visiting a branch, calling 805-6930, use instant messaging by typing a question into the chat box on the CCPL website, e-mailing or text 66756 and begin your question with askccpl. 

The Library's website - - also offers Homework Help under Services for Children and provides free access to dozens of reliable reference databases in its Resources section, many of them available remotely simply by logging in with a Library card number.

Library cards are good for one year and can be renewed at no cost. Charleston County residents can take these steps to sign up online for a free Charleston County Public Library card:

  • Submit a completed library card registration form online; one application must be filled out for each person in the household requesting a card.
  • Your application will be processed, and your new library card will be mailed to the address you have provided (address must be in Charleston County to qualify for a free library card).
  • When you have received your new library card in the mail, bring it to any of our 16 branch locations or the bookmobile; inform the staff at the Circulation desk that you have registered for a library card online. You will have six months to activate your card. Cards not activated within six months will be deleted from out database.
  • Present your new card along with an ID at the Circulation desk to verify your identity; the following are examples of acceptable identification:
- a valid driver's license or DMV identification card
- employer identification or work badge
- school identification
- social services identification
- passport
- military ID
  • Upon presentation of an ID, your new library card will be immediately activated and will be valid for borrowing materials, checking your account, and renewing and reserving items at all 16 Charleston County Public Library branch locations and our bookmobile!
  • If you have questions, please call (843) 805-6833.

Hurd/ St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston, SC 29407 843-766-2546

Like us on Facebook at St. Andrews Regional Lib
Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6,  Sun CLOSED

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Library architects seek input for new branches

Library architects seek input for new branches

The public has spoken, but we need to hear more. In November, Charleston County Public Library asked residents if they wanted to pay to build new libraries and renovate existing ones. You approved the proposal by nearly 3-to-1, telling us just how important you feel libraries are and that you want more.

It's now time to get down to the nitty gritty. Architects are developing a plan that lists what kind of spaces and services should be in each of the five new buildings, and they need your input. Five public meetings are set so residents living near the planned new buildings can tell architects what they want in the new libraries and what kind of services and technologies should be in the children's area, the reference area, meeting rooms, study rooms, display areas, etc. It's your neighborhood library, and we want to know what you consider the top priorities.

Charleston County Public Library should reflect our community and have buildings that will take us into the future. Attend any of these meetings, and help us make that happen.
Meeting dates/locations:

Monday, September 14 at 7 p.m.New St. Paul's Branch Library (Replaces St. Paul's/Hollywood Branch)
E.B. Ellington Elementary Cafeteria
5540 Old Jacksonboro Rd., Ravenel

Thursday, September 17 at 7 p.m.New West Ashley/Bees Ferry Branch LibraryWest Ashley High School Auditorium
4060 West Wildcat Blvd., Charleston

Monday, September 21 at 7 p.m.New Pinehaven Branch Library (Replaces Cooper River Memorial Branch)
Cooper River Memorial Branch
3503 Rivers Ave., North Charleston

Monday, September 28 at 7 p.m.New Mt. Pleasant/Carolina Park Branch LibraryWando High School Cafeteria
1000 Warrior Way, Mt. Pleasant

Thursday, October 1 at 7 p.m.New James Island Branch Library (Replaces James Island Branch)
James Island Elementary School Media Center
1872 Grimball Road, Charleston

Voters approved a referendum to spend $108.5 million to build five new branch libraries, renovate 13 existing branches and move support services out of the Main Library to free up more space for the public. A major focus includes upgrading technology by adding self check-out kiosks, more public computers and the latest equipment in public meeting rooms.

Charleston County has hired Charleston-based architectural firm Cummings & McCrady Inc. to oversee this planning phase. Several other architectural firms are involved, including library-planning specialists McMillan Pazden Smith from Greenville.

To learn more about the construction and renovation plan, view a map and see a breakdown of the estimated costs, 
click here. Residents unable to attend a meeting can send comments to

TeenSpot Choice Awards

TeenSpot Choice Awards

Teens complete a ballot voting for their favorites of the last year in movies, TV, books, etc. Teens can vote once a day and receive a treat. Votes will be tallied at the end of the month. Winners will be announced on October 5. 

Click here to cast your VOTE.

If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events, 
feel free to contact the
Young Adult Department at 843-766-2546.

Hurd/ St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston, SC 29407 843-766-2546
Branch Blog:
Like us on Facebook at St. Andrews Regional Lib
Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6,  Sun CLOSED