New Book Alert!!!
New Book Alert!!!
New Book Alert!!!
New Book Alert!!!
New Book Alert!!!
Check out these new book that a fresh to a library near you...
Warp Speed by Lisa Yee

As he starts seventh grade, Marley Sidelski knows he is a loser. A Star Trek geek, he hangs out with other sci-fi tech nerds, and he gets beaten up by bullies, including Digger, who steals Marley�s homework and copies his tests. The cast is huge in Yee�s fourth stand-alone book about the kids of Rancho Rosetta Middle School, from the nerds and dorks to the in-group members, and the sheer number of characters may feel overwhelming. But Marley�s funny, present-tense narrative will hold readers with its moving realism about friends and enemies. Marley may not be able to catch a ball, but his coach shows him that he can run, and he wins a race, even if he feels he is running away from trouble more than towards the finish line. Most touching is the way Yee humanizes the bully. As the principal drones on with fake platitudes about tolerance, Marley discovers Digger�s brutal secret and helps him. The fast action, with lots of bloody fights, will hold readers, who will stay for the authentic resolution. -
Incredibly Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Get ready to start your own incredible, amazing life…right?

Alice McKinley is standing on the edge of something new—and half afraid she might fall off. Graduation is a big deal—that gauntlet of growing up that requires everyone she’s known since forever to make huge decisions that will fling them here and there and far from home. But what if Alice wants to be that little dandelion seed that doesn’t scatter? What if she doesn’t have the heart to fly off into the horizon on the next big breeze? And what if that starts to make her feel like staying close to home means she’s a little less incredible than her friends—and her boyfriend Patrick?
Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is be honest with yourself—and sometimes the most incredible thing you can do is sneak a little fun into all this soul-searching.- AMAZON
Storm Runners by Roland Smith
Chase Masters and his father are "storm runners," racing across the country in pursuit of hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Anywhere bad weather strikes, they are not far behind. Chase is learning more on the road than he ever would just sitting in a classroom. But when the hurricane of the century hits, he will be tested in ways he never could have imagined.- AMAZON
How Lamar's Bad Prank Won a Bubba- Sized Trophy by Crystal Allen

Among the many complications in 13-year-old Lamar Washington's life are his reputation as a prankster, which is inhibiting his quest to get a girlfriend; a basketball star older brother, Xavier, who treats him with contempt; his suspicion that his best friend is being taken advantage of by his girlfriend; and the asthma that makes bowling the most strenuous sport in which he is allowed to engage. While the death of his mother is an ongoing heartache, Lamar receives support from his strict but loving father and his close-knit African-American community. He has truly come to love bowling, and the action revolves (loosely) around his desire to be the recipient of a special ball to be given away by his idol, professional bowler Bubba Sanders. Along the way, Lamar gains, loses, and regains the girl; succumbs to the temptations of easy money by using his bowling skills to hustle some marks at the behest of lowlife Billy Jenks; is physically assaulted by Xavier; pulls an alarm to disrupt his brother's basketball game; and is finally reconciled with X after secretly paying for his algebra tutoring. -
Check out these books and more at
St. Andrews Regional Library
1735 North Woodmere Drive
Charleston, SC 29407